Be part of the MayanToon’s campaigns with Colecta Online and FLAAR FEST 2023
It is not a coincidence that we started using this platform to collect donations and be able to help more children.
FLAAR MESOAMÉRICA and MayanToons have worked hard to create a community and awareness in people so that they can help us to reach our goals. In this case, the vision of MayanToons is to be able to educate young people and children about the diversity of resources in the region, how to use them and how to preserve them.
Despite using other platforms for fundraising such as Kickstarter or even on our own website, it does not hurt to venture into other platforms to reach more people and that they can see into their hearts to help the objective of MayanToons.
@flaarmesoamerica Únete a nuestra campaña de recaudación de fondos y ayuda a imprimir material educativo sobre biodiversidad para escuelas en Guatemala. Todo esto a través de Colecta Online. Juntos podemos hacer la diferencia, brindando oportunidades de aprendizaje a muchos estudiantes. ¡Dona ahora y apoya la protección de nuestra rica biodiversidad para las generaciones futuras! #flaarmesoamerica #fundraising #donate #EducaciónAmbiental #donativo #biodiversidad #recaudaciondefondos ♬ Lavender Cappuccino – Muspace Lofi
On the other hand, Collecta Online is a Guatemalan platform which helps people in the community who might not have a website or access to other platforms such as GoFundMe or FundRazr.
More than wanting to save someone or raise money for a particular little thing, we are working with Collect Online to find people who have the same vision as us.
Also, we are happy to announce that FLAAR FEST 2023 is ready to go!
As many know, FLAAR FEST is celebrated every year and this year we have more surprises and activities for people who want to participate.
Among these activities we will have a virtual diploma with experts, online and face-to-face talks to show people the annual work of FLAAR MESOAMERICA, activities at the Aurora Guatemala national zoo, and also a photography contest.
You can learn more about FLAAR FEST 2023 at the following link
As an organization, we are trying to strengthen our relationship with nature in strange times, to preserve and learn about biodiversity, learn and take care of it with us.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller